The following calculation is approximate and may vary depending on the information provided by you and your credit score. The actual offer will be determined after the application is submitted.

Modena Estonia OÜ's purchase credit annual percentage rate is 17.84% under the following representative conditions: credit limit of 1000 EUR, fixed interest rate of 10%, no contract fee, no administration fee, total credit amount and repayment amount of 1100 EUR assuming the credit is repaid within 12 months in equal monthly installments. Please review the terms before entering into the agreement and consult with a specialist if necessary.

You are on the website of Modena Estonia OÜ and Modena Payments OÜ, companies providing financial services. Modena Estonia OÜ is regulated by the Estonian Financial Supervision Authority. Before entering into any contract, please review the terms and conditions of the respective service and consult with an expert if necessary. By continuing to use this website, you agree to the website's user terms and conditions.