Designed for convenient shopping
We have payment methods for every occasion - bank and card payments, Modena installment plan, and Modena pay in 3.
Over 50,000 Modena users can't go wrong!
A better way to pay for your purchases
Payment methods for every occasion
In the Modena product range you can find: pay in 3 installments, Modena installments and bank and card payments.
The new normal for shopping
Flexible payment for purchases is the new norm. No prior registration is required - just choose one of Modena's payment methods when paying in the online store.
Secure payment method
We operate on the basis of license 4.1-1/100 received from the Estonian Financial Supervision Authority and follow the highest online security standards.
Get what you need now
You will receive the items immediately, but the first payment will be made after a month. And don't worry, we will notify you by SMS when the payment deadline arrives.
Bank and card payments
Pay for the purchase instantly in the bank of your choice or with Visa / MasterCard‑.
There are no intermediaries - the amount goes directly to the merchant in an instant.
The service is based on the European "Open Banking" standard.
Pay in 3 parts
Quickly divide your purchase amount into three monthly payments
The service is always free for you - 0% interest, 0% service fee
The first payment is due in 30 days.
Installment payment
Use a 6-48 month payment schedule when paying your purchase amount
Intended for purchases in the amount of 100 - 4000 €
Fast, one-time application process
Answers to common questions
You can get more detailed information about how quickly payments made from your bank's current account reach the recipient's account from your home bank.